Latin American startups : Enero 2020

Startuppers Club makes you discover the news of Latin American startups as every month. In January, 2 startups stand out: CocinaLab in Peru and HolaCode in Mexico. HolaCode, a Mexican startup, teaches coding to migrants. The startup HolaCode teaches coding to migrants arriving in Mexico. The kind of project the Startuppers Club loves! 🙂 Indeed, it is not easy to be integrated even if most migrants speak Spanish (and even English). The Mexican startup teaches them to code for 5 months. The students learn to develop in HTML, CSS and Javascript. MIT has ranked its founder as one of the Innovators under 35 years old in Latin America. Hola Code’s business model is simple. Students pay back their education once they find a job. And over there, as in our country, every company needs web developers. Already 70 people have been helped this way. Together with her co-founder Diana Izquierdo, Marcela Torres says that 88% of graduates get a job. It changes their lives. They earn an average of 28,000 Mexican pesos when they leave school, or about €1,400. Above all, they integrate more easily into the Mexican population. While waiting for Hola Code to arrive in our country, read our article to find a training to learn how to code quickly. CocinaLab wins the seventh edition of the StartUp Peru contest Startup Peru organized the 7th edition of its contest. And it is Cocina Lab (“KitchenLab”) that won it amongst other Latino American startups! Offering distance and low-cost cooking courses is the startup’s goal. Thanks to e-learning, the Peruvian startup is revolutionizing cooking classes. Students can subscribe to the courses for 3 months (about 25€) or for one year (equivalent to 80€). They can also take a single lesson for 8€. The price includes the course of course, with a certificate at the end. But also the future chefs are in contact with the teacher! The startup adds 3 lessons each month. Finally, as the program wants to train professional cooks, management and marketing courses are also given. Moreover, 40% of the students registered on the platform are professionals. Finally 25% are abroad (mainly USA and Latin America). The site already attracts almost 150 new customers every month and hopes to continue its exponential growth. Well-known chefs in Peru and other countries such as Chilli should be hired to make the courses even more credible. The StartuppersClub will follow this very promising startup! The Government of Peru creates a 19 M€ fund for Peruvian startups By decree, the government created the Capital Fund for Innovative Entrepreneurs. The aim of the fund will be to invest private or public funds with an investment strategy exclusively focused on Peruvian startups. More specifically, this state fund will invest in private or public funds. The latter will themselves invest in the capital of dynamic and high-impact companies. Beneficiaries will be established startups with potential for rapid growth and expansion. The projects must offer their services in Peru and in the market consolidation phase. The government will endow this fund with 70 million Sols, or €19 million. Finally, the rule establishes that the duration of the investment of the Fund for Innovative Entrepreneurs is 30 years.